History of the Council
The Council of the Italian-American Societies of Summit County is an organization of 14 Italian-American Societies founded in Akron on November 10, 1947 – called in existence by the Sicilian-American Society, for the purpose of celebrating Columbus Day. It then was decided by the representatives of the various Societies, being loyal citizens of the land of their adoption while retaining an ardent love of their native land, of its history, traditions, and ideals, their loyalty and love for the land of their adoption and their respect and admiration for its institution, so much in keeping with the democratic ideals of their native land, inspired them to found a permanent Council of Italian-American Societies for the dual purpose of, on the material side, to celebrate Columbus Day, and on the ideal side, to be real and true upholders of the institutions and laws of their adopted country, and to cultivate fond recollections of Italy, its history and traditions, its literature and ideals, its minstrelsy and song, and its customs and amusements.
Founders of the Council
Joseph Barbuto
Angeline D’Amico
Leo Ferro
Julia Form
Joseph Graci
Joseph R. Guardi
Anna Scichilone
James C. Seminaroti
Anna Tassiello
Ernest Teodosio
Joseph Valenti